Follow these instructions for how to design a profile a profile on Chaturbate
1. design graphics in paint/photoshop or some kind of editor program. The approximate maximum width for a profile graphic on Chaturbate is 900 pixels. If you make the image larger than 900 pixels, your profile may become distorted or cut off. I usually design my profiles to be 900 x 2000. You can create separate graphics for each new section/topic/rules etc. but I like mine to flow in one image. Remember you must have separate graphics if you want to make a section a clickable link. (This is the easiest way to do it for beginners.)
2. save your images as a JPEG file
3. upload to an ADULT FRIENDLY image host site like: (if it’s not adult friendly your images will be removed and your profile will appear broken/blank when it happens)
4. copy the "direct link"
5. Open an html editor like: (Make sure you delete all of the default text) Hover over icons and get to know the interface. It’s really easy to use! Just have patience :)
6. Click the “image” icon and an image properties window will popup. (There are two tabs available for selection in that window. "Image Info" and "Link.")
7. Select "image info" tab and paste "direct link" into the URL box
8. OPTIONAL: If you are trying to make a clickable image, select the "Link" tab in the popup window and paste the website you want it to go to into the URL box. (This is where you put the link to your twitter, amazon etc. Not the “direct” image link)
9. Click "ok"
Tip: In the “image properties” popup window, under the "image info" tab, you can set the size of an image with "width" and "height." This works great for making uniform sizes but be careful not to stretch and distort images like this. It’s always best to create the size you want in photoshop first. I recommend using something like 100x100 pixels. Very easy to work with!
10. Repeat these steps until you have all your images into the editor.
11. Arrange your images how you want. This is where you can center things and line them up perfectly. Don’t go to crazy with alignment because sometimes it doesn’t work that well on a Chaturbate profile. Again, keep it pretty simple.
12. Click the "source button" on the editor
13. Copy the coding
14. Paste the code into the "about me" section on Chaturbate
15. Save your profile and you’re done! :)
Additional Tips:
**Don’t close the editor until you’re sure the profile is how you want it to be
**Save your source code in a word document in case you accidently delete or mess up your bio on Chaturbate.
**Put your high tips, room rules, about me, upcoming events, social media, FAQ, etc. in your bio
**Keep it simple. You will get better and more creative each time you do this. Don’t worry too much if it’s your first one.
**Design clean and easy-to-read graphics. Cursive is murder on the eyes.
**Do you want to make text into a link? Type it out in the editor, highlight the text, press the “link” button, and a link window will popup. Enter your link in the appropriate space and click ok. Done! Just copy the source and paste it where you want into your profile on Chaturbate.